Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Barbarian Creed.

1st Cor 15:9 to 32
Today's reading contains one of my favorite verses (v 32) No it is not a great piece of Theology and it is only 9 words. It is my personal reminder of the grace that God has given me through his son. One of the greatest joys of a family photo album is looking at pictures of yourself and thinking how much you've grown and changed. This little verse does that for me. I was a Barbarian; a proud one at that. No, I didn't run around in a loin cloth waving a broad sword, but a barbarian none the less. Nothing and no one truly mattered to me, except me and my desires. What I wanted, I got. It mattered not to me who I hurt or even crushed in that process. Life was for me all about self pleasure, everything carnal was good, Everything. There was no limit and never enough. Wine, woman and song as the saying goes. I was proud to be a barbarian. Proud of the notches in my belt. Proud of the bodies beneath my feet. It was my goal to always be the winner. That is just how I saw it. Crush your enemy; enjoy seeing them driven beneath your feet. And then came Jesus! That is without the best part of a testimony, is it not? All that comes before that statement leaves you feeling dirty and ashamed for having visualized the side show that was THE SINNER.
I am not going to sit here and tell you what all Christ has done for me, I pray my life and ministry will speak for me. I will glory in only ONE thing--Jesus. You see it is not a change in philosophy or some desire to break out and "change my ways". It is an encounter, a one on one personal encounter with God himself. That is why I'm so excited when I discuss the resurrection. I was never invited to an outreach or some evangelical meeting. I wasn't even looking for a change in my life. I was completely comfortable to live in the muck and mire of my sin. Alone at a desk in a prison 27 years ago, Jesus found me! A simple tract, a Gospel message, haphazardly left in a drawer. It became alive for me, like a recording playing out loud for only me to hear. I met The Savior right there in the dung Heap that was my existence. The creator came and found me! A Barbarian! No it was not some Glorious vision, but he was there. I have fought many men and prevailed every time, but this one time, I was so completely out matched. His weapon was love, the purist love ever known, because it was without reason, it was just given. I died that day, died to all I had ever known. As Paul said, I now live, because Christ lives in me. Any and all good I may ever do is because of that simple fact. I have nothing to Glory in, except Christ. Where once I lived by the Barbarian creed, I now love by an even simpler one. For God and God alone. For King and Kingdom. You take your pick; they are the same to me. "Because he lives, we live also" (Gal 2:20)
When was the last time YOU took a trip down memory lane? Thought about whom you were and more importantly, the one You met? It is more than simple musing, it is a visit to a dead mans grave all by yourself. It is remembering that from that point on you never walked alone again. Let us pray:
My Lord and it is great to call you Lord, YOU came for me; not the memory of a dead man, by a risen Savior came to me. It is good to be your disciple. My life with you is so much more than I dreamed it would be. I know I fail you everyday, for that I ask forgiveness. I will serve you all the days of my life, not because of some personal code, but because you loved me enough to come to me, a Barbarian. I gladly lay my life down for you. I love you more than I can ever express. Thank you. In Jesus’ Name Amen

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