Sunday, December 2, 2012


Phil. 1:1 to3 and 6
I am writing this the evening of Thanksgiving (Nov. 23, 2012). We had an awesome holiday. No major deal, I just enjoyed family time. I am so blessed! My children alone make me a rich man. I saved this devotion "Spot" and scripture for today. It is the 1yr. Anniversary of doing this devotional, which led to what is now Living Witness Ministries. LWM became needed because of the overwhelming response to the devotional. The devotional is the result of some friends asking me to help them focus on the Christ of Christmas and then to continue on after the holiday. They remain my privilege and joy to provide. As time and volume grew, the addition of an administrator was needed. Preferably one who was more adept with computers and office work. Enter Tracey Hoffman Shosh; the answer to my prayers and my help meet in this Ministry. I am lost with out her and thank God for her daily. We also now have a web site Thanks to partnering with Angie Benjamin and Womanhood with a purpose. First some number stuff, then The good stuff. In the past 12 months this ministry has, by the Grace of God, personally touched over 1.4 million hearts and lives according to Facebook! Of all those lives, Tracey and I have been blessed the most. We are only tools to be used; there is nothing to be proud of there, because in the end we are simply doing as we are told. Our reward is giving Glory to God and his Son, Jesus our Lord.
Today’s scripture is often glossed over on the way to meatier things in Philippians. I give thanks to God every time I remember you. No Gift can touch a heart more or deeper than that. For us, it is each and everyone who are reading this. So many faces are passing through my mind; people who have made me rich beyond my dreams. My life, this Ministry is richly attired by the faith and the confidence you have placed in us. Every comment, Every feedback and Amen has blessed us in Spiritual places and filled us with such sweet JOY. Your love, friendship and support have encouraged us more than I can explain. It pails it seems, so little to give you in return, but such as I have, I freely give. Thank You with all our hearts, Thank You
Tracey and Mark Phil. 1:6
My Father, I thank You with all my heart for the privilege of having a small part in this work. It is our offering to you. It is now and always has been Yours to guide, lead or direct as you have seen fit. You are The Most high God and we thank you that we can do this work. That we can be your instruments. Jesus, I pray for every person reading this. I pray you would prosper them, as you have prospered me Spiritually. We want to be closer to you, everyday, we want to sit at your feet. We want to grow like flowers in your garden, cared for by our Loving Master. Father, let it be done for us! We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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