Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who will follow in his train?

1st. Tim4:12
1st Cor.11:1

The title of today's devotion is from an old Hymn. Its truth is as current now as it was when it was first written. St Francis of
Assisi once told his fellow monks "Preach the Gospel everyday ............ And if necessary use words." That is awesome advice to any Christian. We all preach and teach others around us everyday. We may not know it or even mean to, but we do. Statistically, 89% of what we learn comes through the eyes, while only 10% comes through hearing. It only stands to reason that we do more witnessing with our actions than we will ever do with our ears. Make no mistake, the unsaved world is watching you and your every move and every deed and they are listening to every word that comes from your mouth. They are weighing both and judging Christ and the Gospel by YOU. That is a sobering thought and it should be!

Last week I caught an update from a friend’s wife. A Christian co-worker said something so far out of Character for a follower of Christ. I'm sure this woman is a sincere, well meaning Christian. Her unthinking comment has now marred her witness with my friend’s wife. One unthinking comment that was all it took. So I ask you today, Do you have the guts and conviction to live as an example of Christ everyday? Paul sure did. His advice to the Corinthians was "Use me as an example, as Christ is mine" ( old 1611 KJV uses the word Ensample in 1st Cor 11:1) He also admonishes Timothy to not to let his youth stop him from being a living, breathing example for his flock. (1st Tim 4:12)
It is good for us to remember our actions either validate the message of Christ or renders them empty. Like it or not, it doesn't change the old adage "Actions speak louder than words". Today I want to leave you with a scripture quote from the Message version.
In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual VICTORY parade. (2nd Cor. 2:14-- The Message version). So I ask again "Who will follow in his train?” Let us pray:

My Savior ,and my God. Everyday we are surrounded by so many people. These people are our Missions Field. WE may be the only Christ these unsaved will ever see or hear. Our actions or inactions speak volumes to them. All of Christianity and the very cause of Christ is judged by us, we are their standard. Lord help us today to live out your words in our lives. Help us to "Walk what we Talk". Our commitment to you is 24/7 and our lives should show it. Lord we praise you and we want to follow in your train. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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