Saturday, November 24, 2012

Spiritual Blindness

1st Cor 13:12
The last 3 days we have spoken of Light in terms of Wisdom
which is The Word plus Application and Darkness as a type
of Spiritual Blindness. Spiritual Blindness is a complete
lack of acknowledgement of God and his place in our
everyday lives. When we are exercising our Spiritual vision
we are walking in the Light.
In everyday movements around us, where the world sees
hopelessness, we see possibility. When the world see Chaos,
we see Romans 8:28 (All things work together for good) on
display before our eyes. Spiritual Vision turns every day
life experiences into an all day worship service! Have you
ever thought about the human Brain? Just toss a ball into
the air and catch it. The number of mathematical
computations and the speed in which they are made, are
light years ahead of anything man is close to putting on an
design board. Not withstanding is its capability of
producing emotions. Medical science has no idea what
produces them. Yet even your pets have them. A human cell
is made up of 13 main parts, no science can explain their
doings completely, let alone recreate anything similar. The
Worlds Spiritual Blindness and their search for answers is
no different than when I was stuck in that cave without any
light. It all points us towards the Creator. Mankind is
suffering in its blindness. It suffers because of an over
inflated opinion of self and our ability to reason. It
obscures the light of Wisdom of the creator and worships
"The creation and not its creator"(Romans 1:25). That is
the ultimate Spiritual Blindness.
Look for the finger print of God in everything we see.
Everyday, in all things and you too will be Worshiping all
day. It will draw you into a level of intimacy you never
knew was possible, because you will see God. Let us Pray:
My God and my father, the gift of salvation and the
restoration of us back to a right relationship with you
continues to unfold everyday. Your wisdom and ways are
truly new everyday. Lord thank you for restoring our sight.
What was done in dramatic fashion in the bible is done for
us in regeneration. You have opened our eyes. "Was blind
but now we see." What an amazing God you are. We love you,
we serve every day, there is none like you. In Jesus Holy
name we pray, Amen.

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