Sunday, November 25, 2012


Eph 1:7
A few days ago, we spoke of what it means to be born again
and how impossible it is to find a comparison. Well here is
another that there is no comparison in all of human
experience. How can there be when you are speaking of Gods
Forgiveness. It is easy to say, maybe too easy, to think
"God is so good”, “it was only a matter of time before he
did." "It is natural for him to forgive us, our sins." That
is a lie from the pit of Hell! Nothing could be further
from the truth. God is Holy; the Holiest of all the things
or personalities that are Holy. His very Holiness would
keep that from ever being the case. The only foundation on
which a Holy God can forgive us is the agony and blood shed
on Calvary. To view Forgiveness on any other basis is
unconscious Blasphemy! "The wages of sin are death.” (Rom.
6:23) With out the shedding of blood, there can be no
forgiveness of sins. (Heb. 9:22) Make no mistake about it,
the only basis a Three times Holy God (Rev. 4:8) can
forgive our sin debt is the abused body and sin free blood
of Jesus spilled for YOUR sin, MY sin and the sin of anyone
who has ever lived. The Perfection of his blood only made
the way clear. It is up to every soul to CHOOSE to except
that sacrifice as there own and ask God to apply it to
their own hearts. WE are charged with asking God to apply
that finished work on the cross to our hearts and lives.
That is what grants us forgiveness of sin and allows us to
be born again! These must NEVER be separate concepts in our
minds. Atonement provides us the basis of forgiveness and
reception of Forgiveness Grants Salvation.
What an amazing work was completed on Calvery’s Hill!! Let
us Pray:
My Holy, loving Father, your work on Calvary is beyond
compare! We live, grow and rejoice today and in Heaven to
come, because of your perfect plan of Salvation. We can not
wrap our minds around you foresight and forethought that
went into Salvation. You Blow us away! You are amazing! You
are caring. You are loving. You Are HOLY! Thank You for
this gift. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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