Sunday, December 2, 2012

Answers Continued (Part 3)

Continuing with the top 10 Reasons I believe in the resurrection.
4) Many people saw the risen Lord.
Many people saw the risen Lord during the short period after the resurrection until his ascension. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, during a discussion of resurrection, he reminds them that Jesus was seen by Peter, the apostles, 500 disciples, James (His Brother) and by Paul himself. It is important to note that Paul's letter was widely circulated and read. If there was no truth to his claims, it would not have been hard to find out. Paul almost begs them to check into it by saying "Most of whom are still alive". Paul's deception, if there was any, would surely have been found out. Acts opens with the statement by Luke, "He presented himself alive by many infallible proofs”. Luke, the author of Acts, was a historian of the first rank, the same as Josephus, who also spoke of the resurrection.1st Cor. 15:5 thru 19
5) The change in the lives of the Apostles.
Before the resurrection, the Apostles were timid cowards. On the night of his trial, most ran like rats from a sinking ship and hid. After the resurrection, they became an unstoppable force to evangelize the world. Jail, beatings, stoning, even death, nothing could stop them, and the central theme of their preaching was the resurrection. Acts 5:29
6) Witnesses of the resurrection gladly died for their claims.
History is full of people who have died for what they believe to be true, but you won’t find one who died for a lie. They were stoned, thrown from walls, run through by spears, and crucified all because they could not deny the truth of the Risen Savior. They were told by Christ that if they denied him before men, he would do likewise.(Mat 10:33) In 1st Cor. 15:29 Paul re-asserts that Baptism has its basis in the resurrection.
Let us pray:
Lord, I am amazed when I look into your word and all the "Infallible proofs." Lord bless this little study to the hearts of your people. Help it to embolden them as it does me. Let it give hope to those who have no hope. Lord, I beseech you to feed your children that we may in turn feed others. Your care of us never fails. Thank you for blessing me as I prepare this study. For God and God alone, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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